Board Members

STEPS Tanzania board of directors is the highest organ with power formed by Nine (9) board members. Within the organization, STEPS Tanzania board of Directors is responsible for the following functions and duties.

  • To recruit, guide and hold accountable Executive Director Following work policies and procedure affirming technical staff employment.
  • To provide strategic decisions and guidance to the management 
  • To receive, discuss and approve performance reports.
  • To receive, review and approve annual plans and budgets
  • To be the custodians of STEPS properties
  • To be the legal assets and seal custodian of the organization.
  • To approve audit firm for the Organization
  • To review and approve AGM agenda
  • The Board of Directors shall have power to form relevant committees addressing different issues within the organization
Contact the board through
Dr Hussein H Mwanga, MD; MMed; FCPHM (SA) Occ Med; PhD
Board of Directors Chair Person
Cell: +255 673 341 280; +255 765 768 248

The Board of Directors